While You Were Sleeping

My Dad had back surgery today (successful, I might add–no leg pain upon waking!) so I dithered around the house trying to keep myself occupied between checking up on Papa (my Mom’s dad) and harassing Mom for surgical updates.  This is code for trying not to stuff my face or break down and take a Xanax.  I still can’t believe they discharged him the same day (apparently his stubborn streak was a force to be reckoned with), but Mom says he’s so tanked up on pain meds, he’s sure to sleep a good long while and he’s feeling no pain.  Frankly, I think she’s enjoying the quiet.

Anyway, this is what I managed to accomplish today between refereeing the Co-Defendants and letting the dog in and out and in and out and…

These are the blocks I made awhile back in a frenzy of holy cow, this is totally fun, why didn’t I try this sooner?! and I’ve been at a loss as to what to do with them.  I used up all but 5 blocks which I’ll probably incorporate into the backing some way.  Looking at it now, I see some blocks whose values are a bit too close for comfort so the block looks muddy, but overall, eh, not so bad.  I’ll give it a border or two and VOILA! it shall be done.

What’re you up to today?

Happy quilting, y’all!


  1. Glad to hear your Dad's surgery went well.The best way to find mistakes on a quilt it taking a picture of it and you will see it! I have done that time and time again !! I really love the quilt !!

  2. wow! I really love it! I haven't tried this pattern yet; hearing that it was fun is encouraging. I'm glad your dad is better.

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