Revisiting Mary Ellen’s Sunflowers 

You remember this quilt top?

It’s the one my great-grandmother made, the one desperately in need of quilting, the elephant sitting squarely in the middle of the quilting room.  Since that blog post in 2011, I haven’t touched this baby.  I decided this was the time.

Luck and an escape from work allowed me to hit the road to Brazos House in Rainbow, TX again for the second time this year.  Squeal!  The Diva claims the chuckle I emitted and happy dance I performed were just this side of pure evil.  Something told me this wasn’t kid code for cool.  So I did what any self-respecting mother would do.  I hopped on my broom and blew that popcorn stand, leaving behind His Awesomeness who may or may not have marked my departure as his good fortune; The Diva who bemoaned being left behind with two testosterone laden beings; Himself, whom I’m fairly certain I kissed as I blew out the door; and the dog, whom I’m sure is planning a retaliatory poop for my return home.  Be sure to flick it onto the carpet like last time, you little schnitzel!

Himself just stood there and looked like he’d been shot out of a cannon.  

There may be carnage when I get home.  At the very least, the house will look like a merry band of marauding Vikings encamped in the living room.  But for a few days of quilting in the country, I’ll take it.

The Diva and Himself (before becoming cannon fodder)

The more I make this trip, the faster it is to get here.  This may or may not have something to do with my willy-nilly adherence to posted speed limits and my general disregard for my own personal safety.  I like to think of it as survival instinct.  Only in reverse.  Because, even though I love ’em, sometimes a little distance makes me love them even more and want to kill them a little less.  Mommy loves you guys!

My mission this go round was to make headway with quilting the sunflowers.  You remember them?  Go back and read the beginning of this post.  I’ll wait.  Yes, I got sidetracked, but I’m back now.  Keep up.

The going is slow and tedious and requires significant snackage.  Yes, that’s a word because I said so.  Don’t argue with Mother.  Here’s a bit of progress.  I’m not showing it all because I’m mean and I want you to come back for more.  Plus, I haven’t had coffee yet so I’m not even human.

These colors aren’t true, but I’m making do.  They are, in fact, lighter and more toward the pastel side of things.  Eww.  Again, I digress.

There are twenty (pause for dramatic sobbing and liberal use of tissues) blocks.  Twenty.  Like what I was twenty-two years ago.  

I am going to die before I finish this thing (more sobbing and perhaps a fit of the vapors.  Where’s my fainting couch?) !!!

I did have a nice walk yesterday morning, with two lovely escorts.  I bet their bathroom business isn’t vindictive.  Take note my dictatorial dachshund!

And there was a trip to Babe’s for chicken fried steak.  Yes, that’s leftovers.  In my purse.  You can never be too prepared.

I’m not so Pollyanna or delusional as to think I’ll actually get this whole thing quilted, but a quilter can dream.

Until next time.


  1. I love your writing style. You make me laugh! I am very impressed that you are HAND quilting that quilt. I couldn’t do it. I’d never make it. But I would be happy to be an encourager. Pick any day in the future and I will contact you and ask how it’s going! Have you set a goal for yourself?

    • Thank you for the compliments, Janice! I am NOT a hand quilter by any stretch of the imagination. As for my goal…before I die seems pretty solid, but that could be sleep deprivation and caffeine withdrawal talking. But I’ll take a cheerleader any day! How about you come back in, oh, let’s say 3 months for a check-in? Thank you! 🎉

  2. Anyone who can thread a needle and sit patiently working on a quilt has my admiration 🙂 Do have to ask what is chicken steak? sure its yummy what ever it is hahahaahha

    • Thanks for the admiration! A quick lesson: Chicken fried steak is beef, generally a tenderized cube steak, dredged in a liquid (for me it’s milk), then flour and fried. Done right, it’s divine. Done poorly, you can slap it under your feet and call ’em flip flops. In Texas, we judge a restaurant by the quality and size of its chicken fried steak. Babe’s chicken fried steak is unbelievable, like a shirtless Tom Selleck in his Magnum P.I. short shorts. Yummy!

  3. Don’t give up. I’ve been working on one of those (hand quilt that is) for 13 years!!! So – there is hope.

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